Ehsan Saeedizade

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in Computer Science and Engineering
University of Nevada,Reno USA
[2021-up to now]
in Computer Science and Engineering
University of Nevada,Reno USA
in Computer Science and Engineering
Iran University of Science and Technology Tehran

Research Interests

Generally my research interests lies in Software Systems, Cloud Computing, IoT, Machine Learning, Distributed Systems, and High Performance Computing. Previously, I worked on parallel filesystem and high performance data transfer in research and education institutions for large-scale science applications. Currently, I am doing my research on Federated Learning, privacy preserving distributed learning and IoT environment. My masters thesis was about workflow scheduling in Workflow as a Service environment and I am also interested in topics such as stream processing and function scheduling in server-less computing environment as well.

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Technical Skills

Expert in Python, JAVA, C++, MATLAB.
Familiar with HTML, CSS, Javascript, VHDL, Verilog, Assembly, Erlang, QT Quick, QML.


Flask, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-Learn, OpenCV, Keras, TensorFlow, JQuery, bootstrap, angular1, SASS, React.js.

DevOps & Tools

Git, Docker, OpenStack, Ceph, Lustre File system, Prometheus, ELK Stack, Kubernetese, Pulumi, Helm, Kaniko, AWS, Google Cloud, GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, MLOps.


PostgreSQL, SQL Alchemy, MongoDB, Mongoengine, Pymongo, MySQL, SQLite.

Simulation Softwares

CloudSim, CPN tools, PIPE (petri net modeling), Packet Tracer, Xilinx, Circuit maker2000.

Operating Systems

Linux (Ubuntu, CentOS)

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Work Experience
  • 2021 - Up To Now
    Graduate Research Assistant
    UNR, Reno, USA.
    - Researching on data privacy in incentive heterogeneous Federated Learning environment.
    - Researching on parallel filesystem high performance data transfer project.
  • 2018-2021
    Cloud Engineer at IUST-CCC
    Cloud Computing Center at Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
    - Deploy and maintain OpenStack on multi-node.
    - Deploy and maintain Ceph integrated with Cinder.
    - Mentor interns for learning OpenStack basics and joining the team.
  • 2018
    Python Developer
    FARS IT Co., Tehran, Iran.
    - Develop and maintain python SDK.
    - Mentor interns for joining the team.
  • 2016-2018
    Gametic - Frontend Web Developer
    Tehran, Tehran, Iran.
    - Develop a game analytic dashboard project with Angular 1.
  • 2017
    Java Developer
    TOSAN Co., Tehran, Iran.
    - Develop a log parser software.
    - Work as an Intern.
  • 2017
    IUST ACM Judge - Frontend Web Developer
    Iran University of Science and Technology, Tehran, Iran.
    - Develop a log parser software.
    - Work as an Intern.
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Teaching Experience
  • Cyber AI
    Graduate Teaching Assistant
    University Of Nevada-Reno
    Responsibilities: Grading, Mentorship, Practice sessions
  • Design Patterns
    Fall-2023, Fall-2021
    Graduate Teaching Assistant
    University Of Nevada-Reno
    Responsibilities: Grading, Mentorship, Practice sessions
  • Testing and DevOps
    Graduate Teaching Assistant
    University Of Nevada-Reno
    Responsibilities: Grading, Mentorship, Practice sessions
  • Formal Methods in SE
    Graduate Teaching Assistant
    Iran University Science and Technology
    Responsibilities: Grading, Practice sessions
  • Internet Engineering
    Graduate Teaching Assistant
    Iran University Science and Technology
    Responsibilities: Grading, Practice sessions
  • Computer Architecture
    Fall-2016, Spring-2017
    Graduate Teaching Assistant
    Iran University Science and Technology
    Responsibilities: Grading, Practice sessions
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  • E. Saeedizade, M. Ashtiani, "Scientific workflow scheduling algorithms in cloud environments: a comprehensive taxonomy, survey, and future directions", Journal of Scheduling, 2024.

  • E. Saeedizade, B. Zhang, E. Arslan, "Demystifying the Performance of Data Transfers in High-Performance Research Networks", is accepted to IEEE eScience 2023.

  • E. Saeedizade, R. Taheri, E. Arslan, "I/O Burst Prediction for HPC Clusters using Darshan Logs", is accepted to IEEE eScience 2023.

  • F. A. Chetabi, M. Ashtiani, E. Saeedizade, "A Package-Aware Approach for Function Scheduling in Serverless Computing Environments", Journal of Grid Computing, 2023.

  • M. A. Haghpanah, E. Saeedizade, M. Tale Masouleh, A. Kalhor, "Real-Time Facial Expression Recognition using Facial Landmarks and Neural Networks" Proc. of the 2nd International Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing (MVIP), Ahvaz, Iran, Feb. 23-24, 2022.

  • E. Saeedizade and M. Ashtiani, "DDBWS: a dynamic deadline and budget-aware workflow scheduling algorithm in workflow-as-a-service environment", Journal of Super Computing, 2021.

  • E. Saeedizade and M.Ashtiani, "Multi-constraint dynamic scheduling of scientific workflows in cloud with multi-resource packing", International Conference on Web Research

Florida Trip

  • Scrum Fundamentals Certified (SFC) at SCRUMstudy - Feb 2023. CredentialURL

  • Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud DevOps Engineer Specialization at Coursera - June 2022. CredentialURL

  • Preparing for Google Cloud Certification: Cloud Engineer Specialization at Coursera - June 2022. CredentialURL

  • Architecting with Google Kubernetes Engine Specialization at Coursera - July 2020. CredentialURL

  • Architecting with Google Compute Engine Specialization at Coursera - July 2020. CredentialURL

  • Network+ - Iran University of Science and Technology - Summer 2015.

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Awards and Services
  • Was awarded Third Place for poster presentation at the UNR 4th annual Cybersecurity Conference - October 2023.

  • Was Offered a position for direct master’s degree in Computer Engineering at Iran University Science and Technology - Fall 2018.

  • National Game Analytic Dashboard Design Tournament, Second place, Iran - Fall 2017.

  • Ranked Third among B.Sc. students of Computer Engineering major, Iran University Science and Technology - Fall 2015.

  • Conference Reviewer: CCNC 2024, CCGRID 2023, IEEE CLOUD 2023.

  • Journal Reviewer: The Journal of Supercomputing, Journal of Grid Computing, Cluster Computing, Internet of Things and Cloud Computing, Imaging Science Journal.

  • 25th International Computer Conference (CSICC-2020), Executive member (Volunteer) - 2020.

  • IUST Cloud Computing Center (CCC), Executive member (Volunteer) - 2018-2020.

  • Natural Language Processing Laboratory Tester - 2017.

  • PyCon, Iran University Science and Technology, Executive member - 2016.

  • ACM Contest, Iran University Science and Technology, Executive member - 2015.

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